What happens during an Acupuncture consultation?

The consultation will begin with your Acupuncturist asking you detailed questions about your concern or enquiring about how you responded to your last treatment. You will then be asked to lay on the treatment table either face up or down depending on what you are receiving treatment for.

At this stage your Acupuncturist may ask you to poke out your tongue or spend a minute palpating your pulse. Tongue and pulse examination is an ancient diagnostic tool which can give your practitioner accurate information on the inner workings of your body.

Your Acupuncturist will then proceed to place needles in very precise locations on the body. The point prescription is specifically developed for you and may differ from treatment to treatment to suit as your body changes. Needles are usually retained for 20 minutes, sometimes less, sometimes slightly longer, again this is dependant on your reason for treatment.

It is quite common for your Acupuncturist, at their discretion, to utilise other tools within Traditional Chinese Medicine including; Tuina (Chinese Remedial Massage), Cupping, Guasha, Electro-Acupuncture or Moxabustion. For more information about these modalities please see our services page.

How long will my Acupuncture treatment take?

Initial consultations are 60 minutes. Follow up consultations are 45 minutes.

Patients who arrive late should note that this time will be subtracted from their treatment.

To avoid this please allow 10 minutes for parking. If you are travelling from the Dunsborough surrounding areas allow extra time in the summer months for increased traffic and difficult parking.

How many treatments will I need?

It varies depending on your reason for treatment.

Acupuncture is a medicine and it is helpful to think of each treatment as a “dose” of that medicine. Therefore Acupuncture is similar to pharmaceutical or herbal remedies in the sense that you have a certain dose that is considered sufficient to resolve your ailment.

Treatment courses at the frequency of 1 x week are often recommended. The desired number of treatments in that course will be communicated to you by your Acupuncturist after your initial consultation.

The factors determining the amount of treatments you will need include how chronic your condition is (acute problems generally respond quicker), your age, your general health state, how responsive you are to Acupuncture and other lifestyle factors (Sleep, water intake, diet, stress levels, activity level, work etc).

Does Acupuncture hurt?

No. When performed by a qualified, experienced Acupuncturist needling should not be painful. However there is a sensation associated with needling which is very unique to Acupuncture.

The majority of needles inserted into the patient are rarely felt, however, it is normal to experience a dull, distending sensation when the desired point has been properly stimulated.

If you experience a sensation which is uncomfortable or if you’re not sure what you are feeling is normal please communicate this with your Acupuncturist and they will act swiftly to assist you.

What should I do before and after my treatment?

  • It is ideal to have had sufficient food and water during the day before your treatment time.

  • If you have commitments which are physically demanding in nature (exercise, gardening, fishing, surfing etc) it is best to complete them prior to treatment.

  • Complete rest (from physical activity) between your treatment and going to sleep that night will ensure the best treatment outcomes.

  • Acupuncture is a potent sedative and it is normal to feel very relaxed following treatment. If you are particularly sensitive to this feeling drinking water and having a snack can help.

What should I wear to my treatment?

Loose, comfortable clothing is ideal. Your Acupuncturist will only ask you to disrobe as much as is necessary to gain access to the areas of your body requiring treatment.

Women should wear bra’s that clip at the back (rather than sports bra’s) to allow your Acupuncturist easy access to your back, neck and shoulders. We also appreciate if women wear no (or only minimal) makeup.

Why is there so much to fill out before my initial consultation?

To save time.

The Traditional Chinese medical model is unique in its approach to the diagnostic process. Therefore is it not uncommon for TCM practitioners to enquire about the health of the entire body not just the system that is showing symptoms.

The intake forms have been designed to quickly and efficiently provide your Acupuncturist with the diagnostic information they need (instead of asking all those questions verbally) to get you on the table enjoying your treatment sooner. The more information your Acupuncturist has about your current health state enables them to provide you with thoughtful, individualistic care.

If you are filling out paperwork in the clinic please allow 20 minutes.

Are the clinic premises wheelchair accessible?

Yes. The treatment rooms are located on the ground floor with ample room for our wheelchair patients to move with ease. The premises is also equipped with a disabled toilet.

The closest disabled parking space can be found around the corner to the clinic on Seymour Boulevard out the front of Nourish Pharmacy.

Are HICAPS facilities available?

Yes. All Acupuncturists employed at Dunsborough Acupuncture are Registered Australian Healthcare Practitioners and qualify for full private health insurance rebates. HICAPS rebates are available at the time of paying for treatment.

Please note that HICAPS rebates can only be claimed on the same day as your treatment. Therefore, if you forget your health insurance card you will have to pay for your treatment in full and manually claim for your rebate through your health insurance provider.

To qualify please check that Acupuncture is included in your private health insurance policy.

What is your cancellation policy?

We understand that there will be circumstances where you will need to cancel or reschedule your appointment and we are more than happy to accommodate your needs.

However due to the extremely high demand for our services and long wait-lists it is our policy that all cancellations and/or rescheduling take place 24hrs before your scheduled appointment.

We kindly ask you understand that “no shows”, late-comers and late cancellations impact greatly on our ability to provide a high-quality service. These instances deprive another patient the opportunity of receiving the care they need, fails to be respectful of your Acupuncturist's time and effort and interrupts the smooth running of the practice.

By booking an appointment you are acknowledging that if you fail to comply with our 24hr clinic cancellation policy you may be subject to a “Late Cancellation” fee at the discretion of the clinic.

“No shows” will be automatically billed 75% of the missed appointment fee and subsequent treatments will be suspended until the invoice has been paid in full.

Exceptions may be made under certain circumstances at the discretion of the clinic. Valid reasons do not include last minute work commitments, family commitments, change of plans, being double-booked, forgetfulness etc.

Please do not solely rely on email reminders, they are a complimentary service and are not foolproof.

Repeat offenders will be asked to take a break from treatment to re-evaluate their commitment to improving their health and wellbeing or will be discharged from treatment entirely.

Whats the difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needling?

Great question. Please refer to our Blog for an article we wrote about the subject.

If you have a question which was not answered here please use the contact page to reach us or speak to our friendly reception staff.