Chronic Pain Management & Injury Rehabilitation

At Dunsborough Acupuncture we love musculoskeletal anatomy, structure and function.

Thats why we thrive & specialise in the treatment of acute, chronic & unexplained pain.

The Painful Facts..

More than 3.4 million Australians are living with chronic pain, 68% of which are working age.

40% of people who retire early in Australia is due to chronic pain.

45% of people with chronic pain also experience anxiety & depression. 43% of people live with their condition for more than 5 years.

A multidisciplinary approach to pain management is essential for better health outcomes, however, referrals to pain specialists occur in less than 15% of GP consultations while medications are prescribed in nearly 70% of GP consultations.

These facts are sobering but true. Whether it be from overuse, injury or degenerative changes as we age, pain is something everyone will experience at some point and has the potential to be very destructive to ones quality of life, health and happiness. Dealing with pain extends far beyond putting up with discomfort, it can greatly impact mobility which can disrupt an individuals capacity to work, engage in the physical activities they enjoy and in extreme cases limits ones ability to perform simple daily tasks.

Acupuncture has long been used to help relieve and manage both acute and chronic pain from a wide variety of causative factors. More and more people are discovering the potent analgesic effects of Acupuncture as Traditional Chinese Medicine continues to seamlessly integrate into our established mainstream medical models. Quite often patients present within our clinic looking for pain relief after trying many other treatments that have been either ineffective or where the treatment effects are short-lived. Acupuncture provides people with a safe, non-invasive, non-toxic treatment alternative which works by promoting the ideal environment within the body for tissue repair.

Here at Dunsborough Acupuncture we also recognise the interrelationship between chronic pain and mental health, as we understand how significantly our patients mood and cognitive function can be impacted by their pain. Thats why is it our top priority to ease our patients symptoms quickly and effectively so they can get back to being their happy selves as soon as possible.

Who is Pain Management & Musculoskeletal treatment most suitable for?

  • Patient’s who are experiencing acute pain, injury or trauma.

  • Patients who are experiencing an acute episode of a recurrent injury or musculoskeletal problem.

  • Patients who are experiencing unexplained pain or musculoskeletal symptoms.

  • Patients who are experiencing chronic pain (explained or unexplained).

  • Patients who need to manage chronic musculoskeletal or degenerative disorders.

  • Patients who are wanting to reduce or eliminate the need to take strong pain medication.

  • Patients who are wanting to heal faster following surgery, fracture, sprains & strains.

  • Patients who are looking for a gentle, non-invasive treatment for pain.

  • Patients who have been unresponsive to other forms of treatment and are looking for another alternative.

We understand the value & importance of Integrative Healthcare

Here at Dunsborough Acupuncture we’re a big fan integrative healthcare and we often collaborate with other local superstar practitioners in the medical and allied health fields. The professional relationships between Dunsborough Acupuncture and external practitioners has been nurtured over many years and we can vouch for their work as we strive to provide you with the most comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to your care.

Some of the most common reasons why patient’s seek out treatment for musculoskeletal symptoms & pain at Dunsborough Acupuncture

include but are not limited to…

Head & Neck

  • Neck pain (acute & chronic)

  • Neck stiffness & tension

  • Wry Neck & Whiplash

  • Headaches & Migraines

  • Jaw pain & Temporo-mandibular dysfunction


Sports Injuries & RSI

  • Repetitive strain injuries

  • Muscle cramping, sprain & strain

  • Muscle, ligament & tendon tearing

  • Impact trauma

  • Swelling & bruising

Upper Body

  • Shoulder pain (acute & chronic)

  • Rotator Cuff injuries

  • Tennis & Golfers elbow

  • Carpal tunnel Syndrome


Inflammatory Disorders

  • Tendonitis (Achilles, wrist, shoulder etc)

  • Bursitis (shoulder, hip, knee)

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Acute inflammatory pain from trauma

Lower Body

  • Lower back pain (acute & chronic)

  • Piriformis syndrome

  • Sciatica

  • Coccyx pain & injury

  • Runners Knee


Other Disorders

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Disc Bulges

  • Tendinosis

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Bone fracture or post-op care

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to talk to our friendly reception staff at the time of making your booking.

We look forward to working with you.